Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fast & Furious 6 (2013) Incredible! Thoroughly enjoyable! - It's crazy to see that this franchise has gone to a sixth entry, but what is even more surprising is that it's actually been getting better. The first four Fast & The Furious were pretty cheesy action movies that would cater to a certain demography, but when Fast Five came out in 2011, I was very surprised at how much fun I had with it, and If I did review movies back in 2011, that would've been on my Top 10 of Best for the year. Now two years later we have Fast & Furious 6, which takes place where Fast Five finished, Dom (Vin Diesel) and his crew are living large as millionaires but Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) shows up and needs Dom's help, as a new group of criminals led by Owen Shaw (Luke Evans) is after an important computer chip that could lead to a even bigger threat. But the big reason why Dom and his crew will help out, is because one of Shaw's right hand men is Dom's former lover Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) who died in one of the previous films, but turns out to not be dead. Dom, Brian, Roman, Tej, and everyone else returns to rescue Letty, and clear they're names for good. Now for starters, does this film have the greatest writing or acting in the world, of course not, but it is insanely fun and without a doubt one of the most entertaining films this year. This film is extremely well directed with Justin Lin (Fast Five) at the helm, the action sequences look incredible and every time something big and exciting was about to happen, I was pumped up and was giggling with excitement. In fact, the final action sequence is one of the coolest action scenes I've witnessed in a long time. The pacing is also quick and hardly slows down, whereas for the story is simple and hardly focuses on it, unless it involves the overall message about family and togetherness. Fast & Furious 6 has what was missing out of Pacific Rim, which the problem with Pacific Rim was too much story, not enough action, Fast & Furious 6 is all action, little story, and it works so well. The acting is fine, everyone has been doing these movies for a while so they know what their doing and they do it well. The humor is great as several times I cracked up (most of it is from the comic relief of Tyrese Gibson's Roman), the soundtrack is great, and although the writing is pretty silly, it does serve for some truly perfect quotes. Problems are that logic is thrown out the window for this film, if you think more than you watch, you'll just hate watching this because hardly anything makes sense. And some scenes around the middle go on a little too long, especially the prison scene. But Fast & Furious 6 is comfortable with what kind of film it is, a silly, over the top, but extremely entertaining crowd pleaser. I haven't this much fun with a movie in a long time, all you need to know is fast cars, hot girls, explosions, and muscles. Just leave your brain at home and enjoy the ride.

Inception (2010) Nolan's first true masterpiece - Usually I try to be careful with over hyping a film, or setting the expectations too high, as film geeks all are guilty for, however for Christopher Nolan's Inception, this really is not possible.

This is possibly one of the only perfect films I have ever seen. It is absolutely confident in every way, something which is extremely refreshing, even more so than Avatar. Christopher Nolan gets some slack for making great to look at but ultimately heartless affairs, which I for one do not agree with, however I do not think anyone can argue that here. The emotional aspect of this film not only ties it all together but is really the centre of this film, it is the focus.

I do not want to over simplify the film, by simply calling it Kubrick doing Bond, or Gondry on a huge budget, because I am sure it will be called that but it is far more than that, it is something I do not think Kubrick could have ever made. It is pure Nolan, and pure greatness.

I hate writing something which is pure fan-boy gushing, but its really difficult here. I did not find a thing I did not like about it, I am sure if maybe I saw it a second time, maybe I would find something about it I didn't like, but not the first time. The way it is cut, means that there is always action on screen, if not, then the visuals are interesting enough to keep your eyes glued.

The final hour of the film, is possibly one of the most complicated action sequences put on film. You have to constantly be paying attention to remember all of the layers of what is happening. Without spoiling anything, all I have to say is that is what this film is about, that is what makes this film so great, layers. Once you have seen this you will now what I am talking about.

All of the actors are fantastic too, Di Caprio is the stand out here. Yes, this is probably due to the fact he is the star and given all of the emotional weight, but he handles it perfectly, similarly to his performance in Shutter Island. Ellen Page, whom I usually hate, gives a great performance here. Tom Hardy gives a break out performance here, he is quite the bad ass.

I hope audiences are ready for a film like this, a pure auteur driven film which does not sacrifice a single frame for the studio. I would hope this film will change Hollywood, as it is 100 percent the directors vision yet it is definitely a marketable film, much like District 9, yet I do not think it will.

I cannot recommend this film anymore than I have, I just have to say everyone and anyone should see it. Sorry about all the gushing, it is just so hard not too.

Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends (2014) DVD Online - We only needed to wait one month for this much-awaited conclusion to the Ruruoni Kenshin film saga. We were just regaled last August with "Kyoto Inferno." This time we will witness the how "The Legend Ends."

The last film ended with our hero Kenshin washed up on a beach badly injured. He was carried off to safety by a new character, which we will learn in this episode to be Hiko Seijuro, Kenshin's former master whom he had not seen for 15 years.

The first hour of the film is basically spent on Kenshin training to get his fighting mojo back, as Kaoru was lying comatose in a hospital somewhere. Aside from a brief but exciting fight scene between Master and Student, there was a lot of talk in this hour about the fear of death and the will to live. Momentum really got bogged down by the philosophical arguments.

Thankfully, action gets revved up in the second hour and never let up until the end of the film. There was actually not much narrative anymore in this whole final episode. This is just a series of one big fight after the other setting up the climactic fight between Kenshin and Shishio, which we had been waiting for since the last film.

There was that elegant fight between Kenshin and Aoshi, whom we already met in the last film as the captain of the Edo Hidden Warriors who wanted to topple the man who toppled the shogun. Then there was a spectacular public execution scene on the beach, which again ended in mass fighting.

Of course, Shonosuke will again get his own featured bloody hand to hand fight scene, this time with a Buddhist monk. Kenshin will also get the opportunity to again fight with the ever-smiling Sojiro who dealt him a bad loss in the last film. The ultimate and best, most exhilarating fight scene of all is a four vs. one grand melee to the death. Shishio's flaming sword gives this fight an extra fancy flair.

For recent fans like me who have not read the manga or watched the anime version of Samurai X, this last episode is still a very good conclusion to the franchise. This is mostly because of the high-quality choreography and execution of the fight scenes. This is already the third film, yet the fight scenes are still very exciting to watch. More devoted fans may complain about how characters were portrayed or their story lines changed. But for us who did not know better, this film was a great way to wrap up the story. The first film though back in 2012 is still the best one though.

After Earth (2013) DVD Streaming -  Will Smith has always been THEE personified movie star. Nearly every film he made was a huge hit. The guy has an undeniable incredible charisma and yes he has a big ego but somehow it works for him. In this film he is almost a supporting actor. He spends nearly the entire film laid up and on a com headset. Still he brings a certain intensity to the role and is certainly believable as a man who has learnt to eliminate fear. I'm nearly as sick about hearing how much people hate Jaden Smith as I am about people hating Justin Bieber. I don't understand the hatred for the kid. Yes he has an ego, just like his Dad but I think he's reasonably talented, he is still pretty young to really know if he has the acting chops that his Dad has. I thought he actually did a great job in this film. He didn't show the ego that he tends to have in person and him and his Dad worked very well together. Both roles were solid and carried the film just right. Jaden was a full on action/sci-fi hero and it worked and was believable and bravo to him for that.

Somewhere along the line M. Night Shyamalan became a joke and that's unfortunate. I don't really fully understand why he became such a joke. I mean, he has made a few horrendous stinker (The Happening) but he has also made some amazing films. I wouldn't put this into his amazing movies but I wouldn't put it anywhere near his stinkers. This was a great, entertaining, emotionally charged sci-fi flick and I enjoyed every minute of it. I admit I was caught into the M. Night hoopla and expected a twist ending but this one is just a straight forward mainstream adventure flick. One of the final scenes between father and son was near brilliant and almost brought tears to my eyes. The special effects were very well done and some of the monsters and beasts they created were epic in stature and should be looked at as being fun and well done. I guess I just don't understand the expectations people had from this. It seems that people have a real grudge against young entertainers like Jaden Smith but I am not one of them and I encourage you if you love sci-fi to watch this and simply enjoy it

12 Years a Slave (2013) Another masterpiece from McQueen -  The film is based on the real story of Solomon Northup (played by Chiwetel Ejiofor), a free black man living in New York, who is abducted and sold into slavery in Louisiana. As the film begins, we are exposed to his talent as a musician (he plays the violin) and get a glimpse of the life he leads with his wife and two children. All is well until he meets two men who seem taken by his music and want to bring him along with them so he can play at various events. When Solomon wakes up in chains, his dark journey starts and the film never lets you take a break.

If you've seen McQueen's other works then you more or less know what kind of movie to expect (if you haven't then please stop reading and watch Hunger and Shame). 12 Years a Slave is dark and raw, it exposes everything, without sugarcoating it. It is definitely hard to watch; Several people walked out of the the theatre but in my opinion, it is not only worth watching but necessary. Films exploring themes of slavery are few and far in between and never has one been quite as exhaustive and effective as this one. Beautifully shot and edited, the film features moments of tension, heartbreak and a few laughs here and there. Steve McQueen has created another masterpiece.

Most actors get very little screen time. Paul Giamatti and Sarah Paulson are seen for a few minutes but both are great as usual. Benedict Cumberbatch plays a plantation owner, who recognizes Solomon's talent and tries to help him to a certain extent. Despite being a slaver, he is presented in the film as being a good man. Cumberbatch was very good, though outshined by far by Michael Fassbender. He goes through every emotion and gives it his everything. In my opinion, this is his best performance to date. Paul Dano gets a few minutes of screen time as well but makes incredible use of it. As Benedict's worker, he despises slaves and the songs he sings to Solomon makes an incredibly powerful scene, one of the most disturbing in the film. Lupita Nyong'o's first appearance in a feature film is stunning, as she plays a heart breaking young slave. I hope she has a long career ahead of her, she certainly has the talent for it. The true star is definitely Chiwetel Ejiofor. His performance as Solomon is stunning and unforgettable, I truly hope he wins the Oscar for it this year.

All in all, if you get a chance to see 12 Years a Slave, don't miss it. Not everyone will be able to stomach it but it's an outstanding film that deserves and needs to be seen.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Other Woman (2014) This movie is seriously underrated - You will certainly think I'm crazy to give this movie a 10 out of 10...

Well, that's because you don't know me.

I'm used to look at "serious" films", with a depth, with a background...

But this one made me laugh, a lot. It is what, if I have could, would have done to my husband, who was cheating on me too... :-)

I wish I would have seen this movie before, it would have given me some ideas.

Now, more seriously - and being a fan of serious film, preferably English or Asian - this one really got me feel good. The 3 (or 4, let's not forget the secretary) Ladies are fantastic! I wish more women would do this to their cheating husband (ok, I know some women cheat too: I just wanted to say "in this kind of situation" - financial interests...).

Enjoy this movie!!!

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - A perfect holiday without leaving home - It has often been said that Wes Anderson walks the fine line between folly and genius. In the "Grand Budapest Hotel", however, this distinction no longer exists: the ridiculous becomes brilliant, and brilliant has never been this ridiculous.

It is his best work, or at least the film which has all of Anderson's creative impulses working in one direction, producing a coherent work of art. His films have always been quirky, charming and out-of-this world, but never before has the audience been immersed in Andersonland as fully as with this film. The colours, the camera movement that switches between different parts of the set, the music, the lens angle distortion, the ridiculously stellar cast, all of Anderson's trademark elements, combine to produce the ultimate Anderson film. The absolutely ridiculous CGI is used perfectly to add to the surrealism of the movie. It is also extremely well crafted, not only visually, but structurally. Unlike some of his previous work, the editing, the pacing and the rhythm of "Budapest" are pitch-perfect.

Is it a great film? I'm not sure. It does not attempt to cope with the issues of death, love, despair, the big ones. On the other hand, it seeps with nostalgia, a bittersweet longing for an age long past, and the fascinating characters it produced. It is technically a detective comedy, and one has to note that the genre seems to suit Anderson's peculiar brand of filmmaking very well. But never before has Hitchcock's Macguffin been as explicitly embodied as by the "Boy With the Apple". The plot is merely a mechanism that allows Anderson to transport his vision onto the screen, a vision of a peculiar world seemingly different from our own, but filled with just as much loss and, at the same time, human compassion as ours. There is comedy, but its either very subtle or incredibly over the top, and most viewers are uncomfortable with both. There isn't a single 'ordinary shot', pretty much every image is out of place to such an extent that they begin to form one coherent film, and a fantastic one at that

Boyhood (2014) This is life! - This film blew me away and it is hard to describe why. Seeing it together with 1,500+ captivated and enthusiastic people at one of the Berlinale Friedrichstadt-Palast screenings surly helped. Yet, what makes this film so unique and touching is its deep humanity. Although it is a fictional piece, you can't help not to relate to the actors as if it would be a documentary. Every scene feels like real life. I know that this is not necessarily a good thing to say about a movie but it is meant as a compliment.

The actors deliver an outstanding performance. While much has already been said about the main characters, I was also deeply impressed by the performance of the side characters as well. As an example, the actor of the second husband of Olivia excels in one of the most emotionally straining scenes of the movie. The dialogs are touching and feel just natural. There are so many scenes and details in the movie where you feel unbelievable close to the actors. When Patricia Arquette says as mother Olivia "I thought there would be more" you instantly think about your own (family) life and its constant flux.

I surely hope that this movie will make it to as many screens as possible. Also, I hope that no distributor will force additional editing on it. It is perfect as it is and worth any minute. If you like people in general and families in particular, you will love this movie.

Monday, January 12, 2015

District 9 (2009) Expect the unexpected - I caught an early screening of this movie last night. I went into it with high expectations considering the high ratings it has been getting already. My expectations were not high enough however because this film exceeded my them in every way possible.

I will not go far into detail because I would prefer to not spoil anything. This is unlike any sci-fi we have seen in years. Forget Terminator 3 and 4, forget the AVP movies, forget all those laughable sci-fi movies, this film is what we have been waiting for. An original idea, an original concept, brilliantly executed, great CGI, good acting, it just has it all. We have seen many aliens come to earth movies, but this is different, I will not say why though. That is for you to find out when you see it, which I HIGHLY recommend you do.

This movie, quality-wise, matches up with the popular Sci-Fi films we love. The original Alien, the original Predator, The Matrix, Star Wars, etc. While I enjoyed those ones more because they are classics, this one clearly meets the standards we expect today when it comes to quality. A big driving force behind this, in my opinion, is the fact that high esteemed Peter Jackson is behind this project as the producer. After seeing his masterful Lord of the Rings saga, anyone can see that he knows what he is doing.

As far as movies for this year, this is definitely top 5 so far on my list (Up, Star Trek, 500 Days of Summer, HP6, and District 9). Thank you Jackson and Hollywood for finally producing the best Sci-Fi in years. If this movie does not make its way to IMDb top 250 then I will be in awe.

See this movie!

The Tree of Life (2011) - The Essence of life -  First of all, for those who have not yet read reviews, let me start by saying that this is not your "Brad Pitt/Sean Penn" labeled blockbuster.

Also, I would like to add that, if you really want to take in as much as possible (trust me there is a lot to take in), then you should go see this movie, relaxed, not tired, and in a receiving state of consciousness (I watched it last night at 2200hrs, after a very very long difficult day) and I am seriously considering re-watching it on a Saturday night...

It is practically impossible to summarize this film, in a few words, but what this film does to you, mostly I think, is take you back to your childhood days, and bring back, re-ignite all these long lost first moments/feelings/discoveries/guilts. Do you remember the first time you had a fight with your parents? What crossed your mind? what did you feel?.....apply this to all the first times and you might get something that feels like this film.

This film blends all the above with imaginary scenes from the creation of the cosmos, how all is connected, how did we get here? why? what did God really have to do with this? or is God in other words Love?

You have to see for yourself, and I believe each and every one of us will have his own different experience which is exactly what real Art is.

Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Digital HD 720p


Gimme Shelter (2013) Great Movie...sad reality - Gimme Shelter is a touching and moving film, so inspirational that I think people will want to buy more and more tickets to see it. Even though a low budget film, Vanessa Hudgens is stunning on her performance as Apple. She proves that she has completely left her amateur puppy Disney HSM acting and moved on to bigger future roles that will certainly give her a lot of career options, maybe an Oscar too. And why not? In Gimme Shelter, Vanessa Hudgens, as an actress, portrays all the emotions and characteristics that the Academy of Arts want to see. I wont be surprised if I see Hudgens taking at least a nomination for her stunning, breath taking performance. Gimme shelter, in general, is an indie film that captures all the phases of a difficult life in the streets of a city. Maybe a little bit of 8 Mile or Precious, Gimme shelter reminds a bit of these films, but the motion picture still keeps its originality of story and of course performances.
I have never seen Vanessa before but after watching Gimme Shelter I am a fan. This was a very hard movie to watch all the actors did a great Job on making feel so real. There was not one angle or part where I thought this moving was lacking something. Everyone involved did a great job. I was on the edge of my seat and filled with emotion the whole time. I would say Vanessa is Oscar worthy but really I think she did better then any Oscar winner and its not good enough for her or the movie. The movie grabbed me within the first ten minuets never leaving me with a dull moment. I would like to see more true stories like this and I am looking forward to Vanessa's next film.

Room in Rome (2010) Beautiful, poetic, profound...and very sensual!!! -  Sure you see someway theatrical things if you do review this the second time, but the first time you see it, you love it from the beginning until the very end. It is the most erotic film I have ever seen, but still it is one the most beautiful love stories ever released.

It tell us about being open to new experiences, about belief in kindness and good human nature, love and tenderness, life in its very sense. It also gives you a formula how to fall in love and then say goodbye the way it hurts no one. It gives you a felling of happiness. It gives you a magic.

Getting out of the movie theater, you find yourself inspired, relaxed and feeling harmony. And while the story begins and seems to end right before your eyes and possibly it never be the same for you as for the characters, you feel grateful for taking this moment and sharing it with you. You suddenly discover yourself being a witness of love miracle we all, some secretly, believe in and praise for.

The Lego Movie (2014) Childhood Awesomeness - "The Lego Movie" was an awesome, super creative, and extremely satisfying film for all ages- that is, if you have ever played with Legos. Even people that have never bought a Lego set will this enjoy this awesomely humorous and in the end, heartfelt movie.

(Notice I am using the word awesome a lot, because one cannot stop singing the "Everything is awesome" song played in the movie. Too catchy!)

The creators did a wonderful job putting all the classic things about Legos and making a new movie packed with humor.

The voice actors were outstanding. You can tell they really enjoyed doing the movie and put in a lot of effort. Liam Neeson was fantastic as the Good Cop/Bad Cop. But the most credit to the success of this movie goes to Will Farrell who played the villain, President Business. He gives such a great effort in this movie which allows you to laugh, smile, and want more Lego awesomeness.

I give the Lego movie a big two thumbs up and is by far the best picture I've seen in a few months. Highly recommend this movie to all Lego lovers who have a passion to build and create something awesome, just like the movie makers created this amazingly, AWESOME, film.

The Island (2005) A Mighty Fine Movie - I, and also my whole family, found this movie extremely enjoyable and very underrated. I have to admit that I had't even heard of this movie and almost passed it by, as soon as it started, I was glad that I didn't.

Because of the content of a lot of movies (ie. graphic sex and/or violence) it can sometimes be hard to find a movie that the whole family can enjoy without feeling uncomfortable (or falling asleep). I found that "The Island" has everything I want in a movie, action, adventure, comedy, and an extremely well written plot line, without an overabundance of sex or violence.

I feel that this movie is well worth watching and highly recommend it.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Horns (2013) - Very Good And VERY Original - I'm a sucker for originality and for movies that try do something different. I get sick and tired of seeing the same thing over and over again and wish more filmmakers would take a chance instead doing the same old things. "Horns" is probably one of the most original movies I have ever seen and I loved that about it. It combines so many different movie genres into one fun, crazy, heart felt story that unfortunately is not going to be for everyone.

Right off the bat I could tell I was going to enjoy this. It starts off as what looks to be your run of the mill thriller flick then quickly spirals into some incredibly out there. Once the Horns are introduced things just take a shift into the bizarre, and I loved that. There are some truly hilarious and insane scenes. The film does a nice job of being cleverly light and rather dark at the same time.

The acting was excellent. Daniel Ratcliffe does a great job of being American, it was weird to hear him without the accent at first but he does such a good job that I eventually completely forgot that he was even British. The rest of the supporting cast did a great job, all the characters were extremely interesting and well written so that may have had something to do with it.

Overall I really enjoyed this. It definitely isn't for everybody and has a pretty long run time of 2 hours so I could see people getting bored with it if it isn't exactly there thing. But if you want to see something that you haven't seen before, something that tries to be original but not too overly artsy, something with heart then I suggest giving this a try.

Labor Day (2013) - A deeply touching testament to true love and the unexpected ways we find it -  "Labor Day" is a deeply touching testament to true love and the unexpected ways we can find it. Adele, played by Kate Winslet, is a single mom struggling with severe depression and her son Henry has to take care of himself and his mother since she has difficulties leaving the house. One day, on a trip to the supermarket, Henry and Adele's lives change forever when they meet a man named Frank who is on the run from the law. Intimidated by the stranger, Adele agrees to help the man despite the fact that he is a wanted fugitive. Over the course of the next four days, Adele and Frank fall deeply in love, something that the two of them never thought they would experience again. However, things get complicated as the man-hunt continues and they realize that they don't have many options left.

I am absolutely in love with this film. It is so powerful and takes a new look at love and the second chances people can have. "Labor Day" is so incredible - every aspect of the movie mixes together perfectly to create a work of art. The visuals are incredible because the scenes are all relatively simple, but each shot is so sensory oriented that it allows the audience to experience what it was like for the character. The locations, costumes and set design are so authentic, and the soundtrack is very fitting for the film and it all comes together to create the perfect the perfect experience.
The acting in this film is phenomenal. There are very few characters and minimal dialogue, so everything is conveyed primarily through simple facial expression and the amazing film work. Kate Winslet does a superb job in this role and is able to communicate more emotions with her technique of subtle expressions than words ever could. Josh Brolin portrayal of Frank is absolutely perfect. He's able to break down the stereotypes placed on his character in the beginning of the film and shows that there is always more to the story than what is on the surface. I also think Gattlin Griffith, who plays Adele's son Henry, shows his characters struggle of having to be the "man" of the house in a very powerful way. You get the sense that he is terrified about what could happen to his family - his mother and himself - once Frank enters the picture, but he still tries to be strong. I love watching his character develop as Henry realizes that Frank might just be the best thing to ever happen to him and his mother. There are so many moments in the film where it seems as if something is going to go terribly wrong for the couple and the suspense of waiting to see what will play out adds an unexpected element of fear to the film. Kate, Josh and Gattlin are fantastic at giving the sense of not knowing what will happen to them in the near future and it really raises the stakes for the family.

Something else that I love about this film is how throughout the movie there are short flashbacks of the past and it is done in such a way that it is hard to tell whose past it is. I think this is neat because it shows that Adele and Frank are more alike than it seems and it is a miracle that they found each other. "Labor Day" is so touching that by the end of the film I was crying harder than I have at a movie in a really long time. It was so incredibly beautiful to see how love can endure no matter what trials surface and no matter how long people are apart. I'd like to believe that everyone can find a love like that and this movie shows that no matter how hurt you have been, there is always another chance for love.
I recommend this movie for ages 13 to 18 because it is very emotional and a bit mature so it may be challenging for younger kids to understand the storyline fully. Overall I give "Labor Day" 5 out of 5 stars because it made me laugh, cry, and it tugged on my heart strings.

Meet the Robinsons (2007) Back to the Future meets The Incredibles - Somewhere Walt Disney must be smiling. "Meet the Robinsons" is the perfect, unlikely marriage of manic, absurd humor, eye-popping visuals and honest-to-goodness emotional depth. It is a close cousin to the first "Back to the Future," yet it feels completely original at the same time. The 3-D animation works seamlessly within the story. It is not played for a cheesy gimmick (like, for example, "Spy Kids 3-D"...groan). In fact, it is so well integrated into the narrative that you could almost take it for granted, so it's a good thing that at the heart of "Meet the Robinsons" there is a wonderfully entertaining story. In typical Disney fashion the central character is a motherless (and in this case, fatherless) youth -- however this time it is not merely a device whose sole purpose is to leave him unencumbered to embark on his own adventure. In fact, his orphaned status and quest to find the mother that left him at the orphanage as a baby IS the point of his journey. But there's no room for sugary sap here, thanks to an almost unending stream of quirky characters and plot twists. Of course stories like this can't succeed without a great villain. In this case the filmmakers have managed to craft a bumbling villain who is simultaneously hilarious, sympathetic and just menacing enough to keep the tension going. He reminded me of Snidely Whiplash, Mack the Knife, and the magician from Rankin-Bass' "Frosty the Snowman," all rolled into one.

This movie has all the seat-of-your-pants fun of a great amusement park ride and still manages to make you ( cry at the end. The deft combination of love and laughs results in a movie that stays with you well after the lights have come up, leaving you wanting more. It is rare nowadays for and entire audience of moviegoers to spontaneously burst into applause at the end, but that's what occurred when the credits began to roll for this film. "Meet the Robinsons" is loaded with enough heart, rapid fire jokes and blink-and-you'll-miss-them sight gags to make it worth repeated viewings